Ayurveda views Osteoarthritis as a clinical condition which requires replenishment of lubrication around the affected joints, achievable through the process of bṛṁhaṇa (satiation). Ayurvedic Osteoarthritis treatment emanating from natural remedies for Arthritis involves internal medications and external therapies, which are patient-specific and guided by the stage of the disease. The patient's response to treatment is determined by the duration and degree of the manifested disease, as well as their age and the cause of the condition. For example, Osteoarthritis of a degenerative cause and of recent onset can be reversed through natural treatment for osteoarthritis using specific medications and exercises, while patients with later-stage chronic symptoms will, at a minimum, see greatly reduced pain and an increased range of movement. At all stages, the progression of the deterioration can be arrested using Ayurvedic treatment for Osteoarthritis.
Osteoarthritis may first appear between ages 30 and 40, and is present in almost everyone by age 70. It occurs equally in both sexes up to the age of 55; after 55, the incidence is higher in women. It is estimated that approximately 4% of people are affected and in India the incidence of osteoarthritis in India is as high as 12 per cent. 45% of women over the age of 65 have symptoms of osteoarthritis, while radiological evidence shows OA in 70% of women above the age of 65. OA was estimated to be the 10th leading cause of non-fatal burden in the world in 1990, accounting for 2.8% of total YLD (Years lived with disease). In the Version 2 estimates for the Global Burden of Disease 2000 study, published in the World Health Report 2002(5), OA is the 4th leading cause of YLDs at global level.
Studies suggest that increasing age, BMI (body mass index) and history of more frequent physical activity in younger years were risk factors for knee OA.
Areas where significant relief can still be expected:
Osteoarthritis developed secondary to obesity and diabetes mellitus needs to be treated for the underlying disease initially, and their response to the treatment is variable.
In chronic and severe Osteoarthritis in which deformity has set in -and in those conditions where knee replacement has been advocated - treatment can give minimal benefits.
As a disease of progressive nature, often requiring regular follow-ups, Vaidya.Kortikar typically recommends our Osteoarthritis Disease Management Program, based on Panchakarma principles, for maximum results. However, the treatment for Osteoarthritis does not necessarily require extensive therapies or medications. In many cases, a few key internal medications, along with some localized therapies, will suffice to relieve the disease.